What's Up With Digital Nomads?

Digital Nomads, now that sounds kind of exotic and perhaps a bit dangerous. Despite the shadowy image above, these are not treacherous men and women cruising the desert sands on camels, armed with jambiya knives. On the contrary, this elite group consists of tech savvy guys and gals, frequently any place that has affordable Wifi connections, so they communicate with business interests back in the home country (or elsewhere) and keep their overseas sojourn going.

Age of these creative souls might average around thirty or younger, but in reality, there is no upper age limit for this group, as some practitioners can exceed 70 years on the planet. English speakers dominate and those abundant with writing skills are most likely to succeed in this adventuresome endeavor. Other areas of expertise might include translation, graphic design, photography and web design.

Digital Nomads can work in extraordinary places.

Websites that might benefit someone trying to make this type of lifestyle work for them, include Flexjobs, Remote.co, How To Become a Freelancer, Power To Fly, We Work Remotely and Working Traveler. Popular overseas destinations include Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, Portugal, Hungary, Spain and Columbia. A fast Wifi connection is a must, along with affordable housing and other cost-of-living items. Many who choose this lifestyle, find a large van or small camper to be an ideal place to live. These vehicles put a whole new definition to "working from home".

Currently, the Digital Nomad lifestyle and movement is catching the interest of the mainstream press. Publications such as Forbes, Business Insider, Harvard Business Review, Euronews, Fortune and CBS News have all published stories about the Digital Nomad phenomena.

Digital Nomads need a good work ethic.

A Quick Look at Digital Nomads

Coming Soon, Another Review